How Do I Align Myself With The Seasons So I Remain Healthy?

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It is important to know that you were born into and vibrate to a core seasonal rhythm, and you will live within this rhythm and/or the rhythm of the preceding season and the season following.

An example would be if you were spring person who may carry the rhythm of spring alone or may have some of the rhythm of winter and/or summer.

The rhythms help us to understand our physical vulnerabilities. The lessons may be at the physical, psychological, or spiritual levels and they may involve marshaling resources (winter), taking a stand (spring), savoring the moment (summer), integrating experience (solstice/equinox), or letting go of what has been (autumn).

How do we energy test the five rhythms and identify if they are out of balance?

Contact Dr. Denise Frer at for a quick energy assessment and copy of the five rhythms assessment using the Rhythms of the Seasons Wheel.

Dr. Denise Frer