Does Your Yin Balance With Your Yang?

Everyone has both a masculine and a feminine side. Use this checklist to determine if your masculine/feminine or yin/yang sides are in balance? Circle the statements that truly represent how you feel about yourself.

  1. I feel strong and confident in operating my life.

  2. I place a high value on how my actions affect others.

  3. I recognize people and their basic rights and let them control their own life.

  4. I recognize that I have the right to operate independently of others.

  5. I am decisive and take risks when appropriate.

  6. I am considered kind, compassionate, patient and responsive to the needs of others.

  7. I have an enthusiasm and zest for life.

  8. I am in charge of my own life because I am internally controlled.

  9. I have the ability to limit my energy to keep from draining my energy.

  10. I stand up to intimidation and manipulation by other people.

To learn how to develop masculine/feminine or yin/yang balance emotionally, mentally, and spiritually and to achieve greater overall harmony in your life, contact Dr. Denise Frer at

(Feminine side = 2,3,5,7,9 and Masculine side – 1,4,6,8,10)

Denise Frer, Ed.D., HTCP, CH
Duke University Integrative Health and Wellness Coach

Dr. Denise Frer