Eight Habits of People Who Never Get Sick

Do you know people who always seem to be in good condition and never seem to get sick? Here are eight habits they are probably following and so should you:

  1. They stress less to avoid damage to the immune system. Learning relaxation is crucial.

  2. They eat less. Calorie restriction lowers incidences of age-related health problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.

  3. Use herbal remedies and plants that have medicinal properties that boost the immune system.

  4. Make friends a priority.

  5. Keep body in pH Balance. When pH levels fall below a midpoint, the body suffers from fatigue, rapid breathing, stomach problems and confusion. Eat dark green vegetables.

  6. Exercise regularly.

  7. Detox regularly. Purge toxins by limiting meats, avoiding wheat, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol.

  8. Get more rest.

Contact Dr. Denise Frer for a complimentary 30-minute introductory question and answer on how to improve your health and wellness.

Denise Frer, Ed.D., CH, HTCP
Duke University Integrative Health and Wellness Coach

Dr. Denise Frer