If this was your last day on earth, how would you want to be described?
Photo by Lars Mulder
How have you colored your life? Are you an athlete, an adventurer or warrior or a statesman, a visionary, spiritualist, a witness? As a witness, you begin to discover you are not that which you have been observing. You are a creator and your ability to create is determined by where you put your attention—and where you leave your attention. As a witness, you go from “How do I do it?” and “What are the rules?” “What can you offer me?” to placing your attention on a more expansive perspective of life.
Opening our hearts to the lessons of life and surrendering to what we have learned. Accept ourselves, others and life and people for the way they are. We then become less judgmental, more kind and loving. In doing so, we gain the ability to participate in life. Life is participation. Life is doing it. We can’t control or will our life; we have to let it go. Then we can do it.