What are the Monkeypox Myths?

Monkeypox Vaccine

Monkeypox Vaccine

Myth 1:

You can get Monkeypox from the COVID-19 vaccine.


They are two completely different viruses.

Myth 2:

You can get Monkeypox from a swimming pool.


Monkeypox spreads through skin-to-skin contact, but avoid unwashed linens and clothing.

Myth 3:

You can get Monkeypox from being in a crowd.


There is a small risk but would need contact with an open sore or touching fabrics that have been used by someone with Monkeypox.

Myth 4:

Monkeypox is only a sexually transmitted infection.


Monkeypox can be spread from skin-to-skin contact that isn’t sexual or intimate.

Myth 5:

Monkeypox has no known vaccine.


Two vaccines ACAM2000 and JNNEOS were developed for smallpox and are 85% effective.

Denise Frer, Ed.D., CH, HTCP

Duke University Integrative Health and Wellness Coach

Dr. Denise Frer